Friday, 24 July 2020

My Favourite NZ Holiday Destination


Rainbows End there is a bunch of cool rides like the Fear Fall. And you can also go on little, baby cars that work and you can ride around and go faster, and slower it’s probably my favourite thing.It is really colourful. The front is a big rainbow ending and all, the rides Are painted a really bright colour like orange pink or green ect and did I say how big it is! It’s 9.3 hectares or 23 acres. That's big!

Thursday, 2 July 2020

The Level 6 Math Test

A couple days ago I did a level 6 math test. Like always before I start a math test I figure out the first 2 questions just before we start so I don't waste time. But this time my brain decided to leave and let my body do it even though brain is the only one that knows math so I looked at the first question 11 - 7 = 4 next one... 19 - 8 = umm I know this I figured it out before uhh I banged my head I will have to guess umm ELEVEN! I put that down 30 seconds wasted I did as much as I could in the 5 minutes we had  (9 questions) and when I finished I looked at the answer 9 out of 48... I did the worst in the class I think I will stick to reading.