Wednesday, 25 September 2019

2019 T3 W9 Holes


🕳By Louis Sachar🕳️

We read the book "Holes", and it is about a boy named Stanley and he gets sent to Camp green lake, witch is a  name because there is no lake! He meets lots of new friends and learns valuable life lessons along the way! Read the book, or watch the film/movie to find out what happens in the end! 

My favourite character is Stanley because he was very brave to try get Zero and hes very strong because he carried Zero up big thumb.
My favourite holes activity is where you have to draw a picture of Zero and Stanley hiding under the boat. Or draw the water truck crashed into a hole I did both.
Image result for stanley yelnats

Monday, 23 September 2019

2019 T3 W7

 White hat - list what you have have been learning in class this week

Practicing our classes dance with room 12.

Yellow hat - what has gone well with your learning this week?   

I got to do PE with Lizzie and Jeana!😃

Black hat - What has not gone well with your learning this week?  

Vicki called in sick so she did not come.

Green hat - what can you do better next week  

Try finish getting all the things that wasn’t returned to the PE shed.

Find Bar Smart Surfing

This is about the find bar what it is and how to use it.